Heavy Rain Made Delhi-NCR Submerged

According to Weather Forecast, On Monday in Delhi, there is a possibility of heavy rainfall. According to a weather report in Delhi-NCR heavy rainfall will occur. Last week Delhi is breaking records for heat. This week there will be a significant relief for Delhi-NCR Region that temperature is dropped by more than 10 degrees Celcius. Last week Delhi recorded temperature was more than 47 degrees Celcius on the scale. Everyone was in bad condition because of the heat but rain give great relief to everyone in Delhi-NCR. There are many places in Delhi-NCR submerged in water. Scroll down the page and read the whole article till the end to get information related to this news.
Heavy Rainfall in Delhi-NCR
Weather Forecast reported that there will be heavy rainfall in the Delhi-NCR region on Monday. Monday morning rain started in Delhi and gave great relief to everyone from the heat. Rainfall slows down the speed of the city. Many traffic jams are very faced in the town like Madhuban chauk, Anand vihar, and Dhaula Kuan, many more places in the Delhi-NCR.
In these hot summer waves, today’s rainfall gives so relaxation to the people and the temperature falls down more than 10 degrees Celcius on the scale. The maximum recorded temperature was 37 degrees Celcius and the minimum recorded temperature was 23 degrees Celcius. It is seen that people enjoying this monsoon.
Rainfall Gives Relief From Heat
Today’s monsoon gives relief to the Delhi-NCR region but this monsoon does not happen just only in Delhi but in other cities that also received rainfall. Many cities of Uttar Pradesh like Lucknow, Barabanki, Gonda, and Ayodhya received this relaxation from heat after this rainfall. Not only today it is also excepted that on Tuesday, May 23, 2022, this monsoon will also come again.
In rural areas of Uttar Pradesh, this monsoon is like a gift because due to heat crops were destroying but the saturation level of crops is getting low day by day after this rainfall the water level or saturation level for crops will improve also and farmers will be very happy because they don’t have to irrigate his field.
Today’s Monsoon comes but before the monsoon, the wind was flowing at the speed of 50 to 60 kilometers per hour with a lot of dust with it. This wind speed became a problem. This monsoon and winds caused many flight delays and many accidents were reported in the city also.
I hope all of you find this article helpful and interesting and you got all the sufficient information related to this news. For more updates and the latest news read articles on Khabarxp.com. THANK YOU!!